If you're Ukrainian, or live near the Russian border, and are reading this, my heart goes out to you. You guys deserve all the safety, security, and stability in the world. <3
As for everyone else, it would be wonderful if you could take time to check out these links, which have plenty of resources on what's currently going on in Ukraine. And if you can, please do whatever you can to help Ukraine out during these catastrophic times. Donating to people and trusted organizations, researching the topic on your own, and sharing your findings to people both online and offline.
Ukraine Carrd, CNN Live Coverage, Yunbuin's Thread, Today Article, Foreign Donation Site, Georgian Housing Thread for Ukrainians, Polish Government Website With A Lot Of Helpful Information, Georgia Stands With Ukraine, Highly Informative Video
If there is anything that I've neglected to include here, please let me know. Best of wishes to Ukraine and its surrounding nations.